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Performance characteristics: defoamer silicone oil is dimethyl silicone oil and antifoaming agent based on the combination of physical and chemical methods of complex, is processing oily defoaming agent and water-based defoaming agent the basis of the main raw material, dimethyl silicone oil defoaming property and inhibit sexual increased significantly.
Technical indicators: appearance: light white translucent oil (partially white precipitated at the bottom). Viscosity (25 ℃, mpa. S) : 100 ~ 1000. Flash point (KaiKouBei ℃) : > 250.
1. Oily environment such as ink, coating, pu paste, lubricating oil, petroleum processing and other fields of defoaming agent.
2. Suitable emulsifier can be processed into water emulsion type defoaming agent, which is widely used in cleaning, printing and dyeing, sewage treatment, paper making and other industries.
3. Other areas that have not been exhausted and are to be developed.
Laiyang Kangde Chemical Co., Ltd.



Company address: Laiyang City Development Zone, Cloud Gate Road No. 3

Email: lykd@163.com

Contacts:13370911691 Mr.wei 
Telephone:86-0535-7325998  7320868

phone:86-0535-7325998 7320868   Lu ICP, No. 09010004  Record number of the public security organ:14019902000040
Copyright:Laiyang Kangde Chemical Co., Ltd.   Company address: Laiyang City Development Zone, Cloud Gate Road No. 3