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KD- synthetic leather moisture-proof agent.

[main features]
Excellent interfacial active agent, water absorbent and water-borne excellent, can be contained in PU pulp to fully capture the water, to prevent the leather surface to produce the negative reaction.
Add 2.5 to 5% to PU sizing.
[attention to problems in development]

KD- rubber release agent.

[Main features]
20-30% organic silicon polymer emulsion, anion, environmental protection, temperature resistance, anti - adhesion.
Rubber water tire stripping, capsule demoulding, rubber tube stripping, some rubber pieces stripping, using clean water can be diluted 3-5 times.
[attention to problems in development]
Because of the strong anti - adhesion, it is not suitable for the film separation between the process, otherwise easy to cause the film to bond.

 KD- synthetic leather parting agent.

[main features]
Good interface activity, with leveling, viscosity, anti - adhesion, suitable for the separation between synthetic leather and separation paper.
Add 1-5% to PU size.
[attention to problems in development]
It can be used to replace kd-bh113 on specific occasions.
Kd-201 dimethyl silicone oil.
[main features]
Polydimethyl siloxane liquid, the viscosity is generally applicable to 1000CS to 10000CS, especially suitable for the solvent dilution method to cool off the mold. 200-500CS suitable for PVC and other plastics processing internal mold, can reduce energy consumption, prevent adhesion.
It can be diluted 8-15 times with solvent oil and sprayed on the surface of steel mold. After the solvent evaporates, it can be used to mold the steel mold, rubber tube steel mold and rubber seal products.
[attention to problems in development]
If the solvent is flammable, pay attention to fire prevention; When internal demodulation, the addition amount is 0.2-2%.

Laiyang Kangde Chemical Co., Ltd.



Company address: Laiyang City Development Zone, Cloud Gate Road No. 3

Email: lykd@163.com

Contacts:13370911691 Mr.wei 
Telephone:86-0535-7325998  7320868

phone:86-0535-7325998 7320868   Lu ICP, No. 09010004  Record number of the public security organ:14019902000040
Copyright:Laiyang Kangde Chemical Co., Ltd.   Company address: Laiyang City Development Zone, Cloud Gate Road No. 3