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The name of the product is detailed information of KD- defoaming agent [main characteristics], which is a good anti-foaming agent with good acid and alkali resistance, which is suitable for the defoaming and foaming of the cleaning agent and cutting fluid. Milky liquid. [use method] add 0.1-5% to the cleaning agent and cutting fluid, which can be added in the system beforehand and can be added in the process. Strong acid and strong base can reduce durability and have a slight effect on system transparency. KD- casting demodulator [main characteristic] white liquid release agent, suitable for low temperature cast iron casting [trial method] directly spray on the surface of mold.
Laiyang Kangde Chemical Co., Ltd.



Company address: Laiyang City Development Zone, Cloud Gate Road No. 3

Email: lykd@163.com

Contacts:13370911691 Mr.wei 
Telephone:86-0535-7325998  7320868

phone:86-0535-7325998 7320868   Lu ICP, No. 09010004  Record number of the public security organ:14019902000040
Copyright:Laiyang Kangde Chemical Co., Ltd.   Company address: Laiyang City Development Zone, Cloud Gate Road No. 3