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KD - defoaming agent

[main features]
Emulsion organic silicon defoaming agent, added to pulp to eliminate foam, improve the paper technology and paper quality. It has the characteristics of low dosage, fast foaming speed, and persistent foam.
Add 100-1000ppm to the bubbling liquid system.
[attention to problems in development]
The storage time is too long and there is a slight separation phenomenon.

KD - M006 defoaming agent

[main features]
Emulsion type defoaming agent, which is faster than kd-006, has better dispersibility, and is resistant to moderate acid and alkalinity.
Add 100-1000ppm to the bubbling liquid system.
[attention to problems in development]
The storage time is too long and there is a slight separation phenomenon.

KD- aluminum foil smoothing agent.

[main features]
Excellent slippage, special for the surface treatment of aluminum foil laminated paper in tobacco industry, improve the speed of tobacco packaging, moisture-proof and enhance the toughness of aluminum foil.
Diluted with water (had better use soft water) 3-4 times, roller coated to the surface of composite paper, 80-120 ℃ drying.
[attention to problems in development]
It is not suitable to make the gold card paper with color mixture, and it has a poor solubility to the color material. Can be colored before coating it, achieve double effect.

Kd-201 ink special silicone oil

[main features]
Colorless transparent liquid, generally 100-500cp viscosity, anti - adhesion (making ink powder non-stick fixing roller) lubrication, cleaning, promoting ink transfer.
Add in the box.
[attention to problems in development]

Laiyang Kangde Chemical Co., Ltd.



Company address: Laiyang City Development Zone, Cloud Gate Road No. 3

Email: lykd@163.com

Contacts:13370911691 Mr.wei 
Telephone:86-0535-7325998  7320868

phone:86-0535-7325998 7320868   Lu ICP, No. 09010004  Record number of the public security organ:14019902000040
Copyright:Laiyang Kangde Chemical Co., Ltd.   Company address: Laiyang City Development Zone, Cloud Gate Road No. 3